~~ snort ~~
Yeah, it’s great, isn’t it, we have these blokes flying with their bare hands so we can stand over here on the sane side of the line, eh?
My heart was in my mouth as they stepped from the cliff … yeesh! Nice You Tube find: thanks for posting!
Wild. If I were younger. Thinner. Taller. Dumber. How do guys think of this stuff? Because, you notice, they are all guys!!! Hal likes to point out that if Mo and Ryan didn’t have a father, they’d never have any fun. Everything is too dangerous to do.
Parkour is cool, but I don’t see myself doing it. I think some French guy came up with it. It’s really neat to watch, but I doubt I could pull it off. Hang-gliding, otoh, is totally doable. (with a pair of Depends…)
I watched that through my fingers. Those people are insane.
The really nice thing is it makes us LOOK sane in comparison. I like that.
I just loved that.
~~ snort ~~
Yeah, it’s great, isn’t it, we have these blokes flying with their bare hands so we can stand over here on the sane side of the line, eh?
My heart was in my mouth as they stepped from the cliff … yeesh! Nice You Tube find: thanks for posting!
SO COOL!!! India watched it with me and we both said, “I wanna do that!” at the same time.
I’ll watch. Maybe. Had a great time with India the other day. You are fun, too. But she’s a gas!!!
Maybe you can do parkour instead?
Wild. If I were younger. Thinner. Taller. Dumber. How do guys think of this stuff? Because, you notice, they are all guys!!! Hal likes to point out that if Mo and Ryan didn’t have a father, they’d never have any fun. Everything is too dangerous to do.
Parkour is cool, but I don’t see myself doing it. I think some French guy came up with it. It’s really neat to watch, but I doubt I could pull it off. Hang-gliding, otoh, is totally doable. (with a pair of Depends…)