Today is Ryan’s 15th Birthday – exciting enough to bring me out of hibernation! Hard to believe it was 15 years ago my fairy God-mother handed over this tiny bundle of love! I remember looking through the little pane of glass in my front door, after waiting all day for their arrival, finally seeing Sherry and her sister Nancy walking through our gate, carrying precious cargo.
We had to pay part of the adoption service fee "upon delivery" (brings a level of reality into the fairy tale, eh?) Well, we’d been saving nickels… so we gave her $2,000 in nickels. She said that was a first.
Ryan and I spent today hanging around. This afternoon, we went to the video store and rented The Brother’s Grimm. Fun movie – Ryan is a movie addict, like his grandmother.
Who made him his current favorite dinner (homemade chicken pot pie, green beans and mashed potatoes… a boy after my own heart), and a beautiful cake. AND she wrote a poem that made me cry when she read it:
My grandson Ryan
Has the heart of a lion
Handsome, clever, full of fun
What more could a granny ask of one?His nose in a book
His heart in his eyes
But, for me, the greatest surprise:
He loves the movies and caramel popcorn
Thank you, my love, for being born!
All true. We are a lucky, lucky world to have Ryan on this earth with us. What a love!
You know, I could have made him a cake, but Nana insisted. Here’s a cake I made for Mo’s birthday a few years ago. Pretty, huh?
I insisted on making all the birthday cakes, not buying them like all the other mothers. Despite the fact I cannot cook a lick. This cake is such a disaster, it’s hard to believe I wasn’t going for the look. But, hey, there was never any left. I figured that was always the final word.
After dinner, Ryan pointed out that next year, his birthday, January 20th, would be an exceptionally good day because it would also be W’s last day in office. Sigh. We must be doing something right.
Dear Ryan,
Wanted to send a card via email and don’t know your address. Hope this note of good wishes for a happy year will do. AND I certainly agree that W’s last day in office next January 20 will add to the joy of the day.
Love, Aunt Bebe
thanks for spending your day helping out our ladies at La Carpio. Gail
That cake is beautiful 🙂
i really appreciate your work . Its really fine !
Happy Birthday, Ryan. And Sara, glad to see you’re still with us. After that last post, and then no more from you for DAYS, I was beginning to wonder!
Happy birthday! The cakes looks great…better than I could have done, thats for sure!
Happy happy XVday From Randi, Jacob, Willow, and Robert. Time to have a Quinceañera?
Happy Birthday Ryan, and welcome back Sara! Great poem, too. Sounds like a happy day for all.
Huge Congrats!
Sara your mom looks great, the way you talk about her I thought she was going to look like grandma on the Hillbillies! Lol..
I hope she doesn’t read this… And, where do you think I get my good looks?????