The wind has been non-stop gale force since New Year’s Day. During Key West hurricanes, weather personalities gleefully report "gusts up to 70 mph." Well, there are gusts here up to at least 40 mph, which is tropical force. The trees are all bending and waving. That wind, she’s a HOWLING past our windows, loudly. And we are freezing. I have on two pairs of fuzzy socks. Seriously, the wind chill factor probably puts us in the low 40’s. Isn’t this the tropics?
Local lore says this howling wind signifies the official end of the rainy season. For Costa Rica, it’s summer now, although it sure doesn’t feel like it. January is the coldest month and I’ll tell you, it feels and sounds wintery around here. I’m all confused on Costa Rica’s seasons. Maybe it’s seeing all that snow in Denver – we get Denver networks. Their weather reports are snow, snow and ice, freezing rain, car wrecks, people lost in blizzards, avalanches, "powder" like that’s a good thing, and more snow. I seriously don’t understand the attraction.
On the other hand, at least you can ski there. Just kidding. Why would anyone do that? Skiing must be better than sex to spend an hour getting dressed into clothes that you can’t move around in, go through the whole car routine (de-icing windows, getting the skis on the top, shoveling the driveway…), then drive in all that dangerous mess to a mountain where the wind can really get some force going. Get out of the car that is finally just warming up, struggle with those skis and drag them to the ticket booth. Spend $50 to ride a swinging car for 30 minutes up to a mountain TOP, hop off without falling on your face and breaking a ski… You are finally at the top ready to have some kinda fun, you are freezing, likely wet, everyone is better dressed than you, plus now you definitely have to pee. Five minutes of screaming hilarity later you are at the bottom.
It took you at least three hours to have five minutes of expensive fun. I can have just as much fun under my covers in only 15 minutes. Sometimes less. I can still have hot chocolate afterwards. And I don’t have to peel off four layers of clothes to pee.
Perhaps I’ve strayed a little off topic. Back to the weather.
This so-called "tropical" part of the world has not seen significant sunshine since at least October. And precious little in the months before that. I guess the temperature should not be surprising… These winds will be worth every frozen moment if it’s bringing back the sunshine to warm up my mountain!!!
I am so ready to feel the sun on my face, see it out my backyard, reflecting off my shiny razor wire, blinding me when I look out the window. House bling, doncha know. And, hey, Al. On the news last week, snow flurries were reported in central Florida! Global warming? What’s up with that?
> in only 15 minutes. Sometimes less.
Sounds suspiciously like you’re “warming up to us,” despite the cold weather.
(If you’re wondering what the heck I’m referring to, re-read I’m still catching up on your old posts, and read that one recently.)
I went to Orotina last week and was amazed at the wind. Came home to Jaco and everything was totally still (and hot). If you have never visited CR and what to live here, it makes a BIG difference where you choose. It’s very different at different locations (and elevations). It rained here yesterday (all day) and now it is cool but the sun is out and it will be HOT HOT HOT again.
WOW! IT really does make a huge difference concerning the weather from what I’m reading here because in Esparza there’s NO wind, NO rain, just very warm and sunny all day everyday and cools a bit at night. Now we did have like 3 days of wind about weeks ago, but I have seen stronger gusts…more like “strong breezes”. It is VERY rare to have cool weather here during the day, even if it’s cloudy/rainy.
Man, it’s warmer than that in Atlanta today! I have noticed that CR trip report pictures have in general looked a little grey and cloudy lately. Oh, and about that skiing stuff, it actually is really fun if you’re at a resort area. I was staunchly opposed until my husband literally dragged me on a skiing weekend. I hated it for the first thirty-six hours, but fell in love with skiing once I got the hang of it. I wasn’t too cold, the ski lift was pretty fun (esp. trying to get off), and the runs took at least 20 minutes each. It was really peaceful.
Now LIVING in a snow-bound area, no thanks.
I’m new at this “forum thing”, and don’t know if there is a link here to your personal email address…so, this isn’t a political pitch. I just thought this may interest you:
Click on the link to the video is just above photo of blimp.
The weather has everything to do with chemtrails. If you are not aware of these then you may want to do a search and check out what is happening. Look at your sky early a.m. and then go back and look after the planes are finshed spraying. Contact me by email if you want more information. Just thought you would want to know……
Sorry to everyone for not replying to your comments till now… feeling better!
Chuck! I’m talking about READING under the covers. Honestly, some people… but yes, I’m warming up to you. Poco a poco.
Thank goodness the wind has stopped, the sun is shining, so wonderful! I was so ready for this. When the brochures tout “90 different mini-climates in Costa Rica” they aren’t kidding. It makes a huge difference where you live and at what elevation.
I’m with you, Island Chica: skiing is probably really fun as long as it’s not too cold. But I could never live in snow again. That’s out.
Thank you, Michael – I’m always up for Paul stuff! I’m starting a blog at so I can put all the stuff I find there about him. I figure every little bit helps. BUT: I was talking to a friend in the states the other day and she asked me, “Who is running for President?” ack. the problem is bigger than we can imagine.
Debora – I just heard about chemtrails for the first time a few weeks ago. I’m such a conspiracy nut, I’ll believe almost anything. Our government is not to be trusted, that is for darn sure. Chemtrails is a little out there.. but heck, I’m up for more bad news from the U.S. government. Checking it out…
Hot, Hot, Hot! Thats all I can say. Its so true that you need to choose your location carefully. Between the airport and Atenas all we got was a bit of hot wind. The temperature still only changed no more than 2 degrees unfortunatly. What I wouldnt give to have a wonderful cool week and maybe a fire going and two pairs of fuzzy socks. That sounds really good to me!
P.S. the wind was 3 days long and now back to no wind only a breeze and hot. Maybe it was my midwestern upbringing that made me intolorent of the 80 and up temps 😉