If you die here, they put you right in the ground so you better make sure you’re dead.
If you are particular about WHERE they put you in the ground or IF they put you in the ground (instead of in, say, an urn), you want to make those arrangements beforehand.
For almost everything you do here, you have to use a lawyer. Finding a good trustworthy reasonably-priced attorney is a critical item. Talk to plenty. Take everyone’s suggestion and meet with that person. It’s critical.
And, if your Spanish is fledgling, work with an attorney that speaks very good English. Not halting: you want fluent. One word mis-translated can make ALL the difference in the world.
Do you mean to tell me my desire to have my body thrown to the wildcats will not be honored?
What’s this world coming to when the cats can’t get a decent meal?
Are you worried, in particular, about where they stick you after you’re dead? As my ex- used to say, stick me out on the curb with a martini in one hand and a cigarette in the other, let ’em pick me up with the rest of the trash…
I think I know your ex. He lives in Key West, right?