First, be sure to check out posts in my Travel Tips category!
Costa Rica is a visitor’s wonderland, a fantastically beautiful country with 90 different mini-climates, flora, fauna, wildlife you would never see in the states. SO worth a visit, especially with teens. This country is so beautiful and amazing, it even knocks THEIR socks off!
Choices to visit and stay here are numerous – we are anxious to see all we can. I’ve found tons of personal recommendations on the forums. I want to remember them for future travel plans, so they are here under the heading "Places to Stay/Visit."
If we’ve stayed at or visited a place on the list, you’ll see an asterisk (*) at the end of the name. And, of course, if it’s on the list with an asterisk, it survived a visit by Criticia Voluptua Right-Right and we recommend it!
If YOU stay at one of these places, or have others to recommend, please let me know! Either comment (link at the end of this post) or email (link above right).
iCaminos allegre!
["Happy trails!" I think…]