v. tr., got got(ten) -tt-
1. (to obtain) – obtener, conseguir
2. (to buy) – comprar
3. (to receive) – recibir
4. (to win) – sacar
5. (to attract) – atraer
6. (to seize) – agarrar, capturar
7. (flu, cold) – coger, contraer
8. (to cause to become) – hacer que
that got me angry – eso hizo que me enfadara
9. (a meal) – hacer, preparar
10. (to bring) – traer, alcanzar
get my slippers, please – tráeme las pantuflas, por favor
11. (to persuade) – lograr, hacer que
we got her to come with us – logramos que ella viniera con nosotros
12. familiar (to possess) – poseer, tener
what have you got in your hand? – ¿qué tienes en la mano?
13. (must) – tener que
we have got to win – tenemos que ganar
14. (to annoy) – molestar, irritar
15. (to punish) – castigar
16. (to understand) – comprender
17. (to hear) – oír bien
18. (to puzzle) – desconcertar, confundir
19. (to capture) – coger, captar
to get the feel of – coger el truco de
to get across – hacer comprender
to get away (from) – quitar (a)
to get back – recuperar, recobrar
to get down – poner por escrito
to get off
20. (to send) – mandar, enviar
21. (defendant) – lograr la absolución para
22. (day) – tener libre
to get out
23. (to remove) – sacar
24. (news) – difundir
25. (stain) – quitar
to get out of
26. (information) – sonsacar de
27. (pleasure, benefit) – sacar (o obtener) de
to get over (with) – acabar con
to get up
28. (petition) – organizar
29. (courage) – armarse
v. intr.
1. (to become) – ponerse
he got well – se puso bien
2. (to turn) – ponerse, hacer
it’s getting cold – empieza a hacer frío
I can’t get over it – no lo puedo creer
to get across – cruzar
to get along
3. (in years) – ponerse viejo
4. (to manage) – arreglárselas (on) (con)
5. (to be friendly) – llevarse bien (with) (con)
to get along without – pasar sin, prescindir de
to get around
6. (to travel) – viajar
7. (socially) – salir mucho
8. (news) – difundirse
9. (an obstacle) – lograr pasar
10. (a person) – engatusar
to get around to – encontrar tiempo para
to get at
11. (the truth) – averiguar, descubrir
12. (to mean) – querer decir
to get away
13. (to escape) – escaparse (from) (de)
14. (to leave) – (conseguir) irse
15. (on vacation) – ir de vacaciones
to get back – regresar, volver
to get back at – vengarse de
to get back to
16. (to return) – volver a
17. (to call back) – volver a llamar
to get by – arreglárselas
to get down to
18. (business) – ponerse a
19. (details) – pasar a considerar
to get in
20. (to arrive) – llegar
21. (to gain entry) – entrar
22. (to return home) – regresar a casa
to get in with – trabar amistad con
to get into
23. (car) – subir a
24. (bed, trouble) – meterse en
25. (a habit) – adquirir
26. familiar (to enjoy) – apasionarse por
to get off
27. (train, horse) – apearse
28. (work) – salir (del trabajo)
29. (to escape punishment) – librarse
to get on
30. (train, horse) – montar en
31. (to be friendly) – llevarse bien (with) (con)
to get on with – seguir con
to get out
32. (to be over) – terminar
33. (to manage to leave) – lograr salir
to get out of
34. (bed, chair) – levantarse de
35. (town) – alejarse de
36. (obligation) – librarse de
37. (trouble) – sacarse de
38. (the way) – quitarse (de en medio)
39. (car) – apearse de
to get over
40. (to finish) – terminar
41. (illness) – reponerse de
42. (shyness, disappointment) – superar
43. (person) – olvidar
44. (difficulty) – vencer
45. (loss) – sobreponerse de
to get through
46. (exam) – aprobar
47. (the day, crowd) – pasar
48. (to finish) – terminar
49. (to manage to arrive) – llegar a su destino (provisiones, mensaje)
to get through to
50. (by phone) – conseguir comunicación con
51. (to be understood) – hacer comprender
to get to
52. (to manage to) – lograr
53. (to arrive) – llegar a
54. familiar (to begin) – abordar, comenzar
55. (to upset) – molestar a (alguien)
56. (to affect) – impresionar, conmover
to get up
57. (to stand up) – levantarse, ponerse de pie
58. (out of bed) – levantarse (de la cama)
what’s gotten into him? – ¿qué le pasa