Traveling This Blog

To read A Broad In Costa Rica from the beginning, start here: 1rst Costa Rica post. At the top of the page, you'll see the previous post on the left and the next-in-sequence post on the right. Keep clicking the right one and you can read the posts in order. (The...

To Give

v. tr., gave given 1. – dar 2. (a gift) – regalar 3. (to pay) – pagar 4. (to bestow) – conferir, otorgar 5. (to donate) – donar 6. (to cause) – ocasionar, causar 7. (a speech) – pronunciar 8. (an illness) – transmitir,...

To Get

v. tr., got got(ten) -tt- 1. (to obtain) – obtener, conseguir 2. (to buy) – comprar 3. (to receive) – recibir 4. (to win) – sacar 5. (to attract) – atraer 6. (to seize) – agarrar, capturar 7. (flu, cold) – coger, contraer 8....