Jun 25, 2008 | Real Estate, Squatters
Watch the video here. And the story goes… Condo bust draws scams and squatters MIAMI – June 19, 2008 – Someone had kicked the door in on the foreclosure on the 33rd floor at The Club at Brickell Bay. Last week, Lori Rice, the building’s property manager, pushed...
May 26, 2008 | Legal Arrangements, Living-In, Real Estate, Squatters
Garland Baker has a wealth of knowledge, that's for sure. Like on the topic of squatters. In 2004, he wrote this article explaining how…Possession is more important than ownership By Garland M. Baker Special to A.M. Costa Rica Owning property in Costa Rica...
Apr 29, 2008 | Crime, Culture Shock, Legal Arrangements, Living-In, Squatters
A woman wrote to me recently about buying a house in Key West. Once she found out I live in Costa Rica, she wrote this:I have a question since you are living in Costa Rica. This is where my husband originally wanted to get a home. We had even started to look when we...