Since I’m going to be eating this way, at least for awhile, my shopping list needs to be in English. Click here for Dr. Kim‘s alkaline diet in pdf:
Alkaline acid foods list. It was really gratifying when I didn’t have to look up too many words!
Turns out most of the foods I eat are on the acid side. That would explain the reflux, eh? I am a huge fan of the Weston A. Price Foundation which advocates Traditional Foods, including meat, dairy, butter (I could live for butter). On an alkaline diet, those things are either taboo or under the no-more-than-20% side. Heck, I am even willing give up butter to sing and grow hair.
From the compatible perspective, WAPF advocates all-natural, organic, non-GMO, and pesticide/antibiotic/hormone-free foods. Limiting your diet choices to foods meeting those qualifications ain’t easy anywhere, whether Costa Rica or the states. Costa Rican farmers never met a pesticide they didn’t like. I’m not positive, but I don’t think anything is banned in Costa Rica. Heck, CAFTA has a Welcome, Monsanto mat out, just like NAFTA. Roundup is like manna to U.S. and Costa Rican farmers alike. Hence the trend everywhere for health-conscious humans toward Grow Your Own. Heck, I can do that, too.
Here’s to going to any lengths for the pura vida, inside and out!
P.S. Pura vida is pronounced POOR-ah VEE-dah. Not PURE-ah, it’s POOR-ah with the OO as oooo, not oh. And if I hear CAHSTA Rica one more time (instead of COASTA Rica), I will scream. Which will sound pretty hideous right now.
I’m glad you mentioned that the WAPF is the opposite of the A/A diet. I was thinking of putting my mom on the WAPF diet but I didn’t realize it was so opposite of A/A… I’m not sure she can do A/A tho’ – I’m pretty sure my dad won’t. But… Something to think about. I know I feel best when I do A/A. Now if I could just loose some of this weight. lol.
Here’s another list that might help:
Take care! and glad you are feeling better.
That’s a great website – thanks. And I think you can mix some of the WAPF with the A/A. The WAPF would be the 20%… but no butter or dairy.
If they don’t have health issues, the WAPF might be just fine… let me know how it goes!
And I’m sure you know about other tips for reducing acid reflux: exercise more & lose weight. And if it’s a problem at night (which is when it tends to hit me), don’t snack or eat too soon before going to bed, and consider propping the head of your bed up a bit to tilt yourself downwards (I use a couple of phone books). I’ve been taking generic Omeprazole every other day for a while, but I’ve been walking a lot more lately and noticed today that my acid reflux hasn’t bothered me lately, so I’m going to skip taking it for a while & see what happens.
Pura vida,
Yeah, I can actually feel the burn at night and that’s when I cough more. Tonight I went for a long walk – my first real exercise since I got sick. That felt great. Good tips – thanks, Chuck.
Once we learn how things are REALLY pronounced, it stings to hear someone mispronounce it.
Good thing you don’t live in ‘Jack-O’.
“We are what we eat”, ain’t it so true!!
So happy to be reading your blog again,
welcome back to the world and kiss the beach for me in the Keys. I worry about what is to come of my Florida’s beautiful Gulf of Mexico.
Oh the health issues my mom has! It’s a very long laundry list – including reflux. We won’t have them here until summer ’11… until then I’m trying to get her to change a few things on her own but they eat out A LOT – and that food isn’t really food of course.
So true on the pronouncing Teri! My Spanish is terrible to non-existent but growing up in Cali the Spanish pronounciation was a no-brainer since most of the places are actually Spanish words. Kills me to have someone pronounce La Canada {La Can-uh-duh} lol. {it’s La Cahn-yah-dah} – the y creeps in when you say it fast.
We LOVED Jaco btw. If it just wasn’t so darn HOT. lol.
To my immense relief, I never said JACK-oh, but I did call it HA-koh at first (for years), instead of ha-KOH. ‘Mericans pretty much ignore an accent mark: “What is that thingy?”
Not only do so many people I know here in Key West eat out A LOT, they eat in prepared food: roasted chicken from the supermarket, bags of salad with the faux croutons and parmesan, canned, boxed and jarred everything… we haven’t eaten like that in so long, I’m trying not to cringe when I eat a “home-cooked” meal at someone’s house…
No wonder Americans (and increasingly ticos) are fat and unhealthy!!! No wonder there is so much cancer and diabetes, etc. in the world. Yikes.