Hello Saratica,

I found your interesting informative blog online. My name is Georgia and I lived in Costa Rica 2001-2006. Christmas 2005, I was robbed, so I moved to another country. After this economic crises, I am thinking of coming back. I have heard enough crime reports to tell me do not come back, but I have no choice.

How is Belen? I am considering buying a home in a gated community there. How is the traffic to Belen? I wish I could get your input.

Be well, be safe, and God bless,


Hi Georgia,

I don't know Belen that well, although I just took a listing over there. Not in a gated community, but a cute townhome, brand new, comfortable and livable, needs to be finished (priced accordingly at $84K). Everyone who lives over there that I know of loves it. I have a girlfriend who says, if she ever moves to a new home in Costa Rica, it will be to Belen.

The traffic everywhere sucks. We don't go out much, but if you have to drive, it is crazy-making. The last time I was in Key West, the traffic got to me there, so maybe I'm just hypersensitive to it… Otherwise, life is good here.

It's not really safe anywhere in the world these days, if you ask me. You pick the safest place and hunker down till the storm passes. We think the storm is just beginning and that if Obama & Co. can stop interfering (why don't we ask the birds to stop singing, while we're at it), it will be dramatic but short. I can do dramatic. However, if they can't stop interfering, the "correction" will be prolonged agony. Just my opinion. Which you did not ask for, I now notice.

For hunkering down, we picked Costa Rica: no military, peaceful people (unless they are driving), gangs are not entrenched here like they are other places. And you can have farm animals in your yard – a big plus! This is our bet. So far, so good.

Good luck to you!

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