This is a short video (really short if you skip forward) on what gets us out of bed in the wee hours:
P.S. After the video is my cry for help. Ok, "cry for help" is possibly a little dramatic. But "looking for advice" has no punch.
Cry for Help: I love shooting video – it's fun and the editing is fun. But I shot this with my point and click and it shows. I need a step up in video cameras, hopefully for under $300. Can anyone make a recommendation? I've been to those "compare and buy" sites and even joined a pod/video casters yahoo group. Lots of good suggestions there, but, once I buy something from here, I have it for life. A first-hand recommendation would be lovely. Thank you!!!
not sure if this is less than what you want
Sanyo VPC-CG10 HD, look it up in amazon, I like it that is ‘water proof’ as in ‘underwater proof’ not as in ‘splash proof’
Thanks, Wolfie – I looked it up. I’ll buy something before Christmas, so this is on the list. Someone else recommended the Flip. Looking for examples of videos shot by these cameras, too. That will be helpful.
I do have a flipvideo one, pretty easy to use, the video is decent
Cool. both of those cameras are awfully cute… that’s pretty important, too!
These sound like red-lored parrots. They nest in my palm tree and if a falcon descends, they scatter!!
Please tell me, do you need a rooster when you want to have your chicken’s produce eggs? Would a visiting neighbor’s roaster work, say on a weekly/monthly basis?
So little time and sooo much to learn about having biddies.
I saw La Gringa’s blog and yours and it wasn’t until your chicky video that I got the strong urge to get some chickens!! I’m glad everything is closed today. …”and this too shall pass”, hopefully.
Nope, don’t need a rooster to produce eggs, just to produce more chickens. Kinda like you and I don’t need a man to produce eggs, just to fertilize those eggs to make more of us.
The chicken thing gets to you… I don’t think it will pass. I predict chickens in your future…!
I’ve raised them before in South Florida. Everytime I bought some feed, they’d give me 10 more chickens!! Once, I came home from cosmetology school and my granny had fried chicken on the table for dinner. I noticed the chicken was really small and then it hit me. They were MINE!! They all had suffered a heat stroke and my granny had prepared them for dinner as not to waste them. I made a real dramatic scene at the table but it wasn’t long that we had to “ring a few necks” and my granny sat me down on the outside swing and I learned how to pluck a chicken. She thought I should know how to do these things!! I gained so much respect for her efforts to make a meal out of those small chickens. It took me years to want to eat chicken again.
We should all have smart grandmas! I hope to be one someday…