Hope I don’t die from swine flu. Which at this moment seems as likely as getting run over by a train. Actually, getting run over by a train is significantly more likely in Costa Rica.
I need to modify that: getting run over by a train is significantly more likely than dying from swine flu H1N1 influenza A anywhere in the world. After 7 days (seems like longer, doesn’t it?) of H1N1 Awareness Propaganda, we know that, of the 6.8 billion people in the world (3.5 million of whom are flying the friendly skies every single day):
- There are 257 confirmed cases* (including in Mexico)
- 8 dead (so… 249 recovered)
- All the dead are in Mexico (except the Mexican baby who came over the border to the U.S. for treatment)
- It is NOT airborne, it is droplet-borne (so a mask will not keep you from getting the flu, it keeps you from giving it)
- Outside of Mexico, all cases have had only light symptoms and only a handful of those have needed short hospitalization
This does not scare me yet. Authorities claim they are seeking to keep the “crisis in context,” to tamp down concerns. Oh, really? Like this?
- Officials warned more deaths could be expected as surveillance of the illness increases.
- “All countries should immediately now activate their pandemic preparedness plans,” Chan [WHO official] told reporters in Geneva. “It really is all of humanity that is under threat in a pandemic.”
- U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius predicted the child would not be the last U.S. death from swine flu. [How does she figure on people dying from a flu with “light symptoms”? It sounds a little like she is hoping.]
- V-P Biden has advised his family to avoid “confined places” such as aircraft, subways, classrooms because of swine flu risk.
But, don’t worry, it’s not dangerous.
Call me old-fashioned, but it seems like, since it’s a mild flu, you would want to get it and get over it so you could develop an immunity to it. Is this a far-fetched notion these days? When my kids were little, we were all waiting by the phone for someone to call and tell us their kids had chicken pox so we could run the boys over, let them get it and get over it.
The media, to its credit, is making no such “crisis in context” claims. With torture wearing thin and no Prozacked killers around, reporting a pandemic is deliciously orgasmic. Honestly, if I have to endure another Sanjay Blair Witch Project Gupta video Live from Mexico, I will throw myself in front of a slow-moving train.
This report from Fiji provides a little head-scratching:
SUVA, Fiji, April 30 (Xinhua) — Fiji’s health officials were monitoring a traveler suspected of being infected by the swine flu virus… The suspect is under close surveillance… Fiji’s first suspected swine flu case has shown no symptoms of the disease so far.
Here’s the only thing that scares me so far. Really scares me:
The WHO raised its pandemic threat to its second-highest level… It urged countries to ramp up efforts to produce a vaccine. (Video also found here when YT deletes it.)
A vaccine. The mere mention makes me want to self-quarantine, er, hide. A vaccine produced by the same company, no less, that “accidentally” released 18 vials of a deadly mix of flu viruses to the world last month!
Remember the last swine flu vaccine?
During what has become known as the “swine flu fiasco“? The one where the vaccine killed… well, Dr. Russell Blaylock tells it better:
“I was in the military during the first swine flu scare in 1976. At the time it became policy that all soldiers would be vaccinated for swine flu. As a medical officer I refused and almost faced a court martial, but the military didn’t want the bad publicity. Despite the assurance by all the experts in virology, including Dr. Sabin, the epidemic never materialized.
What did materialize were 500 cases of Gullian-Barre paralysis, including 25 deaths-not due to the swine flu itself, but as a direct result of the vaccine. At the time President Gerald Ford, on advice from the CDC, called for vaccination of the entire population of the United States. Today, some 33 years later, we are hearing the same cries of alarm from a similar lineup of virology experts.”
Is a vaccine really necessary when simply washing your hands, avoiding mass transit and bussing (the kissing kind) will keep you healthy? We need a vaccine for a mild flu that’s killed 8 people in one of the poorest, most densely populated places on earth? I’m going to vaccinate myself against that? I don’t think so.
Where did the all-new H1N1 come from?
Two officials, an army general (CNN removed General Honore’s video) and a Dallas DHHS spokesperson (also removed and no hints as to where it might be) and too many conspiracy theorists to list, believe it was manufactured in a lab.
A little bit of research and the idea doesn’t seem far-fetched at all. It has been reported (and, interestingly, never disputed) that mixing a live virus with vaccine material “by accident” is impossible. Manufacturing the HiA virus in a petri dish is the only way to get it.
So… if H1N1 was manufactured, then unleashed on an unsuspecting public by a modern day Dr. Frankenstein, why? World domination? Terrifying citizens so you can control them? Impose more rules on them for their own good? Terrify them so you can take their minds off the other bad things you did? Destroy the airline industry because 9/11 didn’t quite crush it?
If you can’t figure out the why, follow the money.
In 2006 it was revealed that Bayer Corporation had discovered that their injection drug, which was used by hemophiliacs, was contaminated with the HIV virus. Internal documents prove that after they positively knew that the drug was contaminated, they took it off the U.S. market only to dump it on the European, Asian and Latin American markets, knowingly exposing thousands, most of them children, to the live HIV virus.
Government officials in France went to prison for allowing the drug to be distributed. The documents show that the FDA colluded with Bayer to cover-up the scandal and allowed the deadly drug to be distributed globally. No Bayer executives ever faced arrest or prosecution in the United States.
In the UK, a 2007 outbreak of foot and mouth disease that put Britain on high alert has been originated from a government laboratory which is shared with an American pharmaceutical company, mirroring the deadly outbreak of 2001, which was also deliberately released.
The following video tells the story as reported on the MSM. I did have a YouTube video on the topic but YouTube deleted it. Hmmm…
Swine/Bird flu vaccine?
I’m not panicking and I’m damned sure not getting a vaccine, nor will my family. We take boatloads of vitamins, eat right, no junk food, no GMO (that we know of). If we got this flu, we’d survive it, no problem. Mexico’s death toll has stabilized so the thing is not expanding and no one has died anywhere else. What will reporters do when this fades away?
If you really want to stay healthy, stop watching the MSM. Or at least don’t watch it exclusively. If you do, you’ll end up drooling in front of your TV, convinced you need that new pharmaceutical you saw those happy people promoting. Not me. I’m going out to lunch, maskless, wearing pink… hopefully, pink is my PAC.
PS. Confirmed cases: 109 U.S., 97 Mexico, 16 Canada, 14 New Zealand, 10 Spain, 5 Britain, 3 Germany, 2 Israel, 1 Austria. They left out Costa Rica which has two confirmed cases. Do they even know about us? The latest news I could find reports 236 confirmed cases, but this list adds up to 257. Who really knows? Not WHO, apparently. And we should be following their lead?
Good reading: Mercola’s article on this Swine Flu non-pandemic. (This link no longer leads to the 2009 article but it might be available if you are a paid subscriber at mercola.substack.com
Good viewing: Dr. David Ayoub on autism and vaccines; Gary Null’s Vaccine Nation, Robert Kennedy on vaccine cover-up. There are more, so many more.
A rest, yes, indeedy, that sounds lovely… alas, no strong drinks for me. A really chocolaty milkshake maybe…
The normal, un-named flu-related deaths in the US are over 30,000. Why the panic over the swine flu?
Could it be that we the people are being manipulated and softened up to accept a national government health care system? When you run scared you are likely to trip on an unnoticed hazard.
I expect to see an Iranian style street demonstration in Washington soon, chanting, “WE WANT HEALTH CARE…WE WANT HEALTH CARE.”
Then there’s the 3000 people who die of malaria daily. All poor and unable to afford vaccines, no doubt.
yeah – I was going to add that in the post somewhere but forgot. besides, malaria is not important: it’s in africa and they are all black. malaria was all but gone until ddt was banned. a lesson in “unintended consequences.”
all this craziness about this shit is starting to seriously piss me off
flew cr-panama-argentina yesterday, probably saw at least 50 people with masks
two people ‘acted’ sick in the one to argentina and then noone could deplane until 4 doctors came in and interview the guys
they ask you to fill a form with contact info and places you’ve been in the last 2 weeks (I dont mind since it makes sense)
like I said to my wife
a) 95% of the masks they sell are useless (A friend of mine has a drugstore and even though she told people that they were not going to help……people still took them…..hey you can take the horse to the water but…………science doesn’t matter in this World
b) I am far more likely to get mugged or to get runover by a car (which actually happened on Wednesday when I went to buy some ‘tacos’ at tacobell……than getting any of this ‘killer flu’
and well, 100 people have been dying of flu in the US……so I should somehow make up for 10 years of constant exposure to these killer viri ………..I am going to sue someone……
You hit a grand slam with this one! Yes, it is sad that we are all so gullible when listening to “Official Organizations”, I wonder how the WHO gets that a pandemic is inminent and stoppable. Mis-information -not terrorism- is this century’s greatest threat, controlled by Big Governments, Big Business and Big Media. It is still not clear weather the 2 CR cases did in fact had this swine flu, yet the building where I work at was evacuated last Wednesday “until further notice” and we were sent to work at home at least until May 11th. Surprise surprise we are now summoned back to work without further explanation. Still if I want a 2 week vacation I just need to tell my boss my neighbor that just arrived from Mexico sneezed all over me LOL!
Good thinking! Wish I had a job I could get out of with pay! This morning, I heard that there are now 625 or so confirmed cases worldwide, a “significant” increase. But of course these are old cases, no new ones. That point was not hammered home. And we are working on a new vaccine, should be ready in a month, not available to the public for 6 months, so in case this mutates, we’ll be ready.
But wait: if it mutates, the vaccine they just rushed through won’t be any good… what a bunch of morons.
Can’t wait for the official announcement that this is swine flu fiasco #2.
hey, wolfie, sign me up for your lawsuit. can you sue a government for needlessly scaring you and acting like fools with your money? should be able to…
Gee those 1976 commercials are a joke!
Also, some interesting stuff:
100 people get the swine flu everybody wants to wear a mask. Millions of people have AIDS and nobody wants to wear a condom..go figure?
Yup, it all seems a bit overboard. H1N1, swine fever, whatever they call it, it just doesn’t sit right does it? They did a good article (if you can read the spanish)at the No.ticiero, about the spread of the idea of the virus – great commentary on how news travels in Costa Rica and swine fever popularity. Check it out:
Much better than the other ones they did about the topic.
Now they are trying to terrify us pregnant moms saying that we have more of a chance of dying from it. Lovely. I’m more scared right now of a forced vaccination. And if it’s true that this was really made in a lab and possibly released on purpose, since it didn’t work so well, would they make a more virulent version to release, making true all their talk about it coming back worse in the fall and therefore having to mandate the vaccine? I look forward to your updates on this if you have some more sane info to share. 🙂
I’ve decided to start a website will all the info I can find – there is so much information and some really good stuff out there right now.
IMHO , the best thing you can do is plan a home birth and gather the resources to self-quarantine in the event a stronger virus comes back.
To me, there is no question it was lab produced. Too many sane heads have said it’s impossible for this to have come about any other way. Not by our government – I don’t think our gov is evil, just pathetically stupid and self-serving. I think there are other forces at play, like pharmaceutical companies.