Sat Yoga Institute is my newly-discovered Spiritual Growth place. Today they sent an email reminder for the upcoming seminar. If you are at all interested in having your own paradigm shift (and who wouldn’t be?), come on down and join me and Candy Nov 3rd and 4th:

Om Shanti. We would like to remind our satsang members of our upcoming initiatory seminar, entitled: Seminar One: The Secrets of the Inner Labyrinth.

The weekend seminar will be held Saturday, Nov. 3rd from 1-5pm and Sunday, Nov. 4th from 10am-5pm. Tuition for enrolled students is $125, and $150 for non-students. (Gourmet lunch on Sunday plus other refreshments provided by Radha’s Kitchen.) You may confirm your assistance by email or by phone. We ask that if you wish to participate to please register by October 29th.

We will present the fundamental concepts of Sat Yoga, offering a rich body of teachings that will serve as the base for a most needed paradigm shift of our current human consciousness. This event will be experiential, including guided meditations, pranayamas, and other exercises to bring you into an altered state of consciousness. It will be a life-changing event for those who are ready. It is only for those who are mature, emotionally stable, and desirous of attaining the Supreme Liberation.

Please click here to read more about this unique spiritual process.

SYI Staff of Volunteers

Sat Yoga Institute
Escazú, Costa Rica
Tel: (506) 288-3294 / 228-1503 / 891-6486
Our address: San Rafael of Escazú, 300 mts East from Plaza Rolex

Maybe there is more wrong with me than I imagine but I can hardly wait. Would life-changing include weight loss? Speaking of which, Radha is Shunyamurti’s wife and an AMAZING vegetarian cook. Pretty much all carbs, but I can make an exception in the name of Personal Spiritual Growth.

Hoping there’s no maturity quiz at the door.

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