So a certain maid called me this morning. She is suing me for slander. How about them apples? There should be plenty to blog about on this topic.
So a certain maid called me this morning. She is suing me for slander. How about them apples? There should be plenty to blog about on this topic.
Have you been on some mass media outlet speaking about her actual name? Otherwise it would be libel and I don’t remember seeing her full legal name on the blog anywhere or is there only one person known in the whole country with that name and as soon as you say it, everyone immediately knows who you are referring to? Frivolous but good luck anyway.
I did share the post on the CRL board when another expat mentioned that her maid – the same maid who referred you-know-who to me – had relatives looking for work. So I shared our experience and said beware. Hal said what you did: we never said her last name and, in fact, never said ours. If she were the only person in the country with that FIRST name, she might have a leg to stand on. Still makes for an unpleasant moment in time. Thank you, Jon.
How do you think she found out? Do you think someone told her? Was it from your blog or CRL? It’s horrifying to think that someone has the nerve to come after the victim for warning others.
I just got the whole phone call from Hal. The maid said, “My neighbor printed it out and gave it to me.” So someone on the CRL board did it… creepy. But, excellent civics lesson learned. I’m on a quest now to find out all about slander laws here… Hope I don’t learn it firsthand.
Its not if it has merit or not, but rather the inconvenience. I’m hoping she’s just trying to scare you into paying up or just for kicks.
Hope things work out. Now for that snitch on CRL, the biache must be caught and exposed.
Thank you, Kim. Yeah, I’m a little down on the whole CRL experience. And this is a really negative about Costa Rica: that a maid who stole from you could have you put in jail! This is a big unpleasant eye-opener. My friend David has motion detector video cams thru-out his house. I don’t want to live like that.
Dealing with employees is the very reason Hal and I decided NOT to buy a business here. They can take you to the cleaners, not show up, arrive late… and unless you document it all very carefully, you can’t do a thing about it. We’d love to have a business here, but the laws are stacked against the employer. Maybe after a time, when we know the language, know the laws better, but not yet.
Was this maid Nicaraguan? Is she here legally?
If yes to the first and no to the second, ummm, who is going to jail again?
Don’t worry, as this “threat” is nothing but amusing. Threatening lawsuit is a bit *too* American for me. Let’s hope Costa Rica learns some things to avoid from the US, as well as things to emulate. It’s always been that if someone says “lawsuit,” the odds are nearly 100% that it’s coming from an American. Now we have to allow that it might be coming from a Tica? Please say it ain’t so…
how amazing!
is slander the same in Costa Rica as in North America?
so ‘maid no.3’ is an actual Costa Rican name?
as you did not use her name, well I could not see it.
maybe its a bluff?
so bluff her back?
Tell her you will do more naming of her and her lightfingered ways and her handbag.
also that you will tell everyone you know that they should not hire her or her family, also maybe have a ‘few’ flyers printed about her.
Also go to her home, ask for all the many things she has taken from you and you want them returned or replaced, read out a list, plus shouting that she has also ‘stolen’
your love,
your time,
your trust
your love
your faith (at this stage start crying and wailing)
your soap
the food out of your babies mouths
your love
your peace
oh and your love
think Jim Carey or Robin Williams…something really over the top
make a scene, be dramatic and er demented as I think that a few would be religous and the mad are annoited by God ???
film all this and put it on YouTube, make sure she can be seen getting in ….get a giant handbag you can pull on a handcart with (squeaky)wheels.
make a scene
play the victim
or go to the local priest..maybe he can help?
I dunno really
or just dismiss it and just learn from that mistake ?
or with Maid No.4
have an airport scanner, supply paper working clothes (with no pockets) and also body searches and etc etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sorry it does make me angry !
Hey, DJ, yes she is Nicaraguan and she said she was here legally. But I don’t know for sure. I should have asked to see her cedula! She was definitely coached by a gringa/o. That’s the saddest part! I was content to let bygones be bygones, to warn away other gringos but just for kicks a gringo showed this to her. You know, I actually feel bad for her!!!??? Who’s the sickest one here????
Oh, Anonymous, that I could go to her house and throw that kind of a fit… that would be fun! But alas the laws here are COMPLETELY different. And before her phone call, I had her first name in the post. I went in after and changed it to maid #2, 3, etc… Many people have pointed out that since I did not use her last name, this won’t hold up. Also, the whole Nicaragua thing is a point to be investigated. Does she have a work permit?
It makes me mad as hell, too. But more disappointed in the gringo/a who tattled. Snitches should burn in hell. [Oooh, perhaps I need a little more coffee this morning and and some attitude adjustment…]
Holy COW, I can’t believe it. She is taking YOU to the law? What nerve but Ticos/Nicos can be indignatent (?) sometimes, ESPECIALLY when they are in the wrong (from personal experience). I’m sure if you ignore it, it will go away but I sure do like the idea of you pitching a big fit in front of EVERYONE and putting it on You Tube.
Just a piece of advise, anytime ANYONE works at your home, copy their cedula for your piece of mind. At least you KNOW who they are. You can tell them it’s for a background check even if you never do one. At least they will wonder and hopefully be more honest and careful with your belongings. Maybe fingerprint them too!
So sorry to hear about this new drama. It will all go away with time, I promise. She hasn’t a leg to stand on, just threats (as usual). Teri
Remember “quack, quack” – like water rolling off a duck’s back. Don’t let it ruffle your feathers.
Quack QUACK, damn it.
labour suits are the only ones that are sort of speedy down in CR but she didnt go that way
do you have any assets under your name? This law suit could go on and on and on………….if you want to do this ‘for the principle’ I am sure you can find a lawyer and drag this on for years
Don’t think she can do a labour suit, but I will check. She was let go in the first 30 days which is allowable for a domestic employee. Assets secure. Life is too short to go after her on principle, I know I won’t change her. But if she goes after me, I will go right back… both feet.
I’ve become addicted to your informative and interestiog blog. I hope this miserable incident doesn’t adversly affect you, it or your family.
Highest regards,
Thank you, Jim! I appreciate that. The only thing I intend to change is to make sure I use fake names – I usually do, but who in the blogosphere would know who these Nica maids are? Never counted on a snitch, though.
If this did adversely affect my family, that would be something to write home about. I don’t mean to take the laws of Costa Rica lightly, but in the big picture, this matters not. And IF it matters to Costa Rica so much that my family is adversely affected… I would be sadder than I can tell you to have my little bubble here burst!!!
Be careful, as it’s my understanding that you can get slammed for hiring an undocumented worker, and especially not filing the correct papers or paying the employment tax. The latter may not be an issue if it was less than 30 days– but if you haven’t documented pay stubs, it could be difficult to prove.
I predict you’ll move back to the States in less than two years.
By the way– I don’t blame you, if you do.
Chit. Unbelievable chit. Stuff that makes you laugh, cry, stomp and pontificate on the injustices, etc. Personally, I would like to know who this gringa/gringo is who is coaching threats and bad behavior to others…let’s give this person a reason to sweat.
oh, brother..i sound a bit enraged, verdad? LOL…in my 20 years of visting here and 2 years of living here, i find that more and more of the bad elements/attitudes, et al…were learned by Ticos by example of our fellow gringos.
i wonder, wonder, wonder:what can the solution/answer (is there one?) be.
i’ll meditate on it and get back at cha.
Thank, Rebe. We could use a solution to the bad element. I was hoping I’d left those behind… fortunately, the good people still outnumber the bad people!!!! Pura vida, xoxoso’b
I would say unbelievable but I’m afraid I can see that happening here in Honduras — and the maid probably winning the case.
I’ve had so many bad experiences with maids. The last one was recommended by the maid of a neighbor and I had very high hopes as she seemed such a sweet lady and serious about working. She worked (if I remember) 3 days, only long enough to pick up a few things around the house, take the state mandated holidays, and never show up again.
It is very discouraging when I live in a country with, they say, 35% unemployment.
Hola La Gringa, I have a new maid now… she’s been with us since Sept 10th and we love her. From the first day, she shows me her purse without my asking. She is without guile, not coy, legal. Not the world’s best housekeeper but she is very good and cleans how I ask.
It seems to me that the locals don’t have a sense of the long term, a long view. I think that comes from a rather socialist government: you don’t have to have a long view because your needs will be met. Yes, CR is a democracy… but very socialist all the same.
Indeed, I am getting an education. Situations are so different here than in the states. I have heard that 50% of all North Americans move back to the states within 2 years because of these “CR Laws”. Is this true?