Owning A Gun

When I sent yesterday’s letter to A.M. Costa Rica, the editor wrote back and grilled me about owning a gun, asking if I was married to a tico, did I take the test, did I register the gun… yikes. I couldn’t figure out if he was against private...

Some Things Never Change…

Stumbling along through the web-o-sphere, you discover amazing people and their stories… Like Travels with Lois and Jason, and details of their trip to…Costa Rica October 21 – 30, 1996Some things haven’t changed a lick.


La Gringa writes about life in Honduras. Sometimes I feel guilty writing about Costa Rica’s "lacks"… there is so much to love, but there are problems as well. I love what she has to say here and how she says it. Hear, hear.

Letter Re: Protection From Crime

Crime in Costa Rica is a hot topic these days. It’s been heating up for the past few months. Then that 70-something-year-old ex-Marine cruise ship passenger killed an armed mugger with his bare hands on a bus in Limón. That made the news. Then Robyn in Jacó...


For years, I told my real estate customers who came to Key West from various parts of the globe, "I’ll be over to visit you in [London, Spain, India, Thailand, Mexico]." But I never went anywhere. I meant to, but I was always too busy. Too much of a...