Sweatin’ my butt off in Manuel Antonio, dreamin’ of my cool mountain. YIKES. You forget how HOT and WET it is at sea level!!! Beautiful, though.

We just fed squirrel monkeys at our hotel La Posada which is great: comfortable and clean.

But here’s the real reason for today’s musings: after Monday’s post about breast cancer, I got requests from two people to post info on the click-to-donate sites.

The first request is from my adoption godmother, Sherry Read. She literally handed my two boys to me (one at a time). I do whatever Sherry says. She says this:

"Hi Sally,
I read your blog everyday and your breast cancer piece is the reason for this. From the site below, you can get to the Breast Cancer Site, click and give free mammograms.  I click all the sites everyday.  Makes me feel as if I am doing a little something to help the world.  And their shopping is wonderful.  Where else can you give a goat, bunny or cow to someone for Christmas?
Love, Sherry

Click here: The Hunger Site : Give Food for Free to Hungry People in the World."

The second email is from Robert, a reader thinking of moving to Costa Rica, part of an adoptive family, one personally in touch with breast cancer. He writes:

I’m enjoying your stories. My wife just finish chemotherapy for breast cancer. Thank God that part is over. She feels great and we hope for the best. I saw your mention of some family members fighting the Big C and thought you’d be interested in the following. We are also adoptive parents (daughter from China). Wish we had done it earlier and more often! [Ditto that!!!]

A favor to ask, it only takes a minute….

Please tell ten friends to tell ten today. The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle).

This doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammograms in exchange for advertising.

Here’s the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Save_a_goddess_1 So I’m doin’ my part. Breast cancer is not a death sentence. Sounds like clickin’ will get more done than wishin’. Click away! And shoppin’ the site does even more – that’s where the big bucks are. Please join in. And thank you!

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