Dear family, friends and colleagues,
Here’s wishing you a happy healthy new year’s eve dance! May 2006 bring abundance in all things good to you all.
We will not be having our annual cocktail party tonight – we are out of town and will miss being with you! See Jal’s KWTN column Love and Death in Fantasyland. It’s a bittersweet holiday!
We have much to be grateful for. Our health, our family, and our friends top the list. See you next year!
Love & Peace, Saratica, Jal, Mo & Ryan
P.S. We lost all our paperwork – 10 years of records – in the Wilma flood. (Jal’s office is the only ground level room.) That was distressing but I had my computer backup of many years’ worth so I didn’t totally panic… Until Thanksgiving weekend when my hard drive crashed and I lost everything else. Out of the blue. No discernible reason. My past is toast. Nothing left of it. There’s a message in here somewhere but I’m a little slow on the uptake and can’t figure it out.
Meanwhile, I’ve been able to rebuild much of my contact list (and my picture folder which, of course, is the critical item!!!) Some of you will receive two of these… sorry about that! If I’ve reached you in error, my apologies. If you want to stay on the list, please send me your updated info (or you can join – it’s free and our information is automatically updated without retyping. There’s a brilliant idea!) If you want off, click unsubscribe or let me know and I’ll remove you from the list. Thank you!