“Seems Like Forever.”

This is Hal’s answer when someone asks how long we’ve been married. Funny, huh? But it hasn’t been forever. It’s only been 17 years, as of today: Groundhog’s Day 2008. Groundhog’s Day 1991, we got married at sunset on our little...

The Best Thing About Marriage

Hal says it’s that whole "sex on demand" thing. Oh, come on! Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hal told me all about it. For me, it’s that whole "other person warms up the bed first" thing. That is...

Can This Marriage Be Saved?

LEFT: What Hal is reading. RIGHT: What I am reading. In a year, he will remember all the generals’ names, the dates of each battle – I am not exaggerating here, how many people died, who won, what general took over from the one that died, what kinds of...

Me ‘n Hal in 2036

At least we won’t be dressed in matching outfits. I’d like to be, but Hal won’t go for it. And I’ll bet I don’t get to drive then either.