“A ‘coup’ in Honduras? Nonsense.”

By Octavio Sánchez – Thu Jul 2, 5:00 am ET Tegucigalpa, Honduras – Sometimes, the whole world prefers a lie to the truth. The White House, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and much of the media have condemned the ouster of Honduran President...


La Gringa writes about life in Honduras. Sometimes I feel guilty writing about Costa Rica’s "lacks"… there is so much to love, but there are problems as well. I love what she has to say here and how she says it. Hear, hear.

Stinky Cheese

Ok, moving to Honduras is now out of the question. Although I do need to go and meet La Gringa! She’s written a revealing, informative and funny little post about Hondurans and their cheese. Made me laugh out loud! So, La Gringa, to get the really good stuff,...