The New Me

The Old Me is going to be inhabiting my body for a few more weeks because, sadly, My New Spiritual Training Ground had to cancel its weekend seminar for lack of interest. Too bad, because I’m anxious to dive in. Are there really so few seekers in Costa Rica?...


Driving in Costa Rica, you will see the undercarriages of more 18-wheelers than you ever cared to. They turn over all the time. Partly because the roads are so bad, so narrow, the ditches so close and deep. Partly because as soon as you can get a driver’s...

Seeking A Paradigm Shift

Sat Yoga Institute is my newly-discovered Spiritual Growth place. Today they sent an email reminder for the upcoming seminar. If you are at all interested in having your own paradigm shift (and who wouldn’t be?), come on down and join me and Candy Nov 3rd and...

A Broad’s Keywords

I signed up for a 30-day free trial for an online service to discover how people find me, what keyword searches lead to my site. The service is called "Hit Tail" and I guess it works. We will definitely use it for Hal’s new debt relief business. Which...

The Magic Button

About halfway through lunch the other day with Ryan Piercy and two retired guy expats, I was thinking, "Well, these guys are nice and all. But I really have nothing in common with them. I was hoping to meet more women and talk about where we could buy nice sheets...